One Agents Alliance Blog

Growth Agent Insight
To make a profit in the insurance agency business there are ...

Growth Agent Insight
What is Spread?
I've talked before about the importance of knowing your ...

Growth Agent Insight
Who's Running Your Business?
Insurance Agency owners are always asking me, how can I make more money on the business I'm already writing? That's a great question. I always ...

Growth Agent Insight
Danger or Opportunity?
I'm currently reading William Manchester's three-volume biography of Winston Churchill. During the 1930s, Churchill ...

Growth Agent Insight
Eliminate Things to Create Growth
Every good gardener knows you have to prune to grow a beautiful rose bush or a fabulous tomato plant. The same thing ...

Growth Agent Insight
Eliminating Difficult Customers to Create Growth
I remember 1997 I got the opportunity to hear a man named Roger Sitkins speak for the first time, and he changed my ...

Growth Agent Insight
Scarce = Value
"That which becomes scarce becomes more valuable." - Dan Sullivan Dan is ...

Growth Agent Insight
Creating the Culture You Want
Nearly 25 years ago I became a partner in an existing business. While this was a fantastic opportunity for me it was a difficult ...

Growth Agent Insight
I have talked to business owners a lot about this term EBITDA, and they look at me with a puzzled look. They've either not heard it before, or ...

Growth Agent Insight
Cash Flow, Not Profits
I think people get confused about what’s important in running a business. You know, we talk all the time about the bottom line, the bottom line is ...